Twin engines
Maximum capacity: 5 passengers
Full day $1400.00
Half day $1100.00
The city is named after the Quepoa ethnic group, who inhabited the place until the colonial era. In 1563, the Spanish Catholic conquerors - led by Mayor Juan Vázquez de Coronado (1523-1565) - settled there, refounded it with the name of San Bernardino de Quepo and organized a commission in which they dedicated themselves to the exploitation of the aborigines for their own benefit. By the beginning of the 17th century (in less than forty years) there were only 250 people of the Quepoa ethnic group. This Correction of Quepo depended on the Kingdom of Guatemala from 1563 to 1659, in which it passed to the jurisdiction of the governor of Costa Rica based in Cartago, 190 km from the village. In the census of that year it was recorded that only 18 Quepoas slaves remained.
In 1746 the few remaining Indians were transferred to a reserve where they concentrated the Borucas, on the Osa Peninsula, more southeast of Quepos.
In 1939 the first school in Quepos was created. This was called Claudio Pinto School and, since it did not have its own premises, it was in different locations in Quepos. Later his name changed to Doris Stone School, then with the name of Central School of Boca Vieja, until finally it was located in the place where it is today. Currently, it is known as the Republic of Korea School.
In 1940, the Banana Company of Costa Rica (CBCR) installed a power plant in Quepos and finished building in November of that year the Bananera Company Hospital, all these services were available only to employees of the CBCR.
With the increase in population that occurred in the port of Quepos, in 1941, the Executive Branch established a change of status from town to District. With this on April 21, 1941, in the administration of Doctor Rafael Ángel Calderón Guardia, with Executive Decree No. 7 Parrita is declared as District # 9 and Quepos as District # 10 of the Central Canton of Puntarenas.
In 1943, the Quepos football square was inaugurated with the name "Mario Lamicq Salazar". In that same year the first Church of Quepos is built, the construction of the Municipal Building is approved and the Central School of Boca Vieja is founded.
With the conclusion of the armed conflict in 1948, the Founding Board of the Second Republic with Decree No. 235 declares the territory comprised by Quepos, Parrita and Savegre as the Canton of Aguirre No. 6 of the province of Puntarenas. This name is given because during the armed conflict Rolando Aguirre Lobo, Quepos businessman and fighter of the National Liberation Army dies. With that Quepos becomes the head of the canton. Costa Rica Charter Boats in Quepos are based at the MARINA PEZ VELA and ideal place to board our fishing boats an enjoy an adventure full of emotions and fun.